I'm new to programming in C, (like, I started modifying sketches yesterday,) so bear with me. I'm trying to build a MIDI clock divider for a modular synth. I'm using an Arduino UNO. I'm using a basic MIDI input sketch that I've modified to hopefully read MIDI time code as well. I can verify that my MIDI connection is good, and that I'm receiving MIDI data because the onboard LED blinks with NoteOn messages. I can also verify that the outboard LED I'm using for quarter note data is working, because if I switch the pin numbers the outboard LED will blink with NoteOn information.
Edit: I should also mention that I have my DAW configured to send MIDI clock data on the correct port, and FWIW I can see the RX LED on my board blinking at a speed proportional to the tempo I have set on my DAW, so it looks like it's getting some kind of time related data. Maybe just song position though, not sure.
#include <MIDI.h>
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// This function will be automatically called when a NoteOn is received.
// It must be a void-returning function with the correct parameters,
// see documentation here:
// http://arduinomidilib.fortyseveneffects.com/a00022.html
int count = 0; //initialize time code count at 0
void handleNoteOn(byte channel, byte pitch, byte velocity)
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
// Do whatever you want when a note is pressed.
// Try to keep your callbacks short (no delays ect)
// otherwise it would slow down the loop() and have a bad impact
// on real-time performance.
void handleNoteOff(byte channel, byte pitch, byte velocity)
digitalWrite(13, LOW);
// Do something when the note is released.
// Note that NoteOn messages with 0 velocity are interpreted as NoteOffs.
void handleTimeCodeQuarterFrame(byte data)
if(count < 24) //if the number of recorded time code signals is less than 24, increase the count
digitalWrite(12, LOW);
else if(count == 24) //if a quarter note's worth of time code messages have arrived, reset the count and blink an LED
count = 1;
digitalWrite(12, HIGH);
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
void setup()
pinMode(12, OUTPUT);
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
// Connect the handleNoteOn function to the library,
// so it is called upon reception of a NoteOn.
MIDI.setHandleNoteOn(handleNoteOn); // Put only the name of the function
// Do the same for NoteOffs
// And for TimeCode
// Initiate MIDI communications, listen to all channels
void loop()
// Call MIDI.read the fastest you can for real-time performance.
// There is no need to check if there are messages incoming
// if they are bound to a Callback function.
// The attached method will be called automatically
// when the corresponding message has been received.