A count increments/ decrements depending on the direction of magnet passing by.
Here is my current code:
/******************** Macros ********************/
define BUTTON_2 BIT3
define UNIT_CHANGE_BUTTON_TIME 20 // Time to change units in seconds
define METERS 0
define FEET 1 // Set FEET as default unit
/****************** variables *******************/
volatile unsigned char selectedUnit = FEET;
volatile unsigned char unitChanged = 1;
volatile signed long count = 0;
/****************** Functions *******************/
void Update_Unit (void)
if (selectedUnit == FEET)
M_OFF; // M segment off
F_ON; // F segment on to indicate unit in feet
else if (selectedUnit == METERS)
F_OFF; // F segment off
M_ON; // M segment on to indicate unit in meters
void updateDisplay(signed long counter_value)
if (counter_value<0)
// Ensure that counter_value is positive or zero for further processing
counter_value = abs(counter_value);
// Display the appropriate digit on the LCD based on the count value
uint8_t d3= counter_value/100;
uint8_t d4= (counter_value/10)%10;
uint8_t d5= counter_value%10;
// Display the digits without leading zeroes
if (d3 != 0) {
switch (d3) {
case 1: DIGIT3_DISP_1; break;
case 2: DIGIT3_DISP_2; break;
case 3: DIGIT3_DISP_3; break;
case 4: DIGIT3_DISP_4; break;
case 5: DIGIT3_DISP_5; break;
case 6: DIGIT3_DISP_6; break;
case 7: DIGIT3_DISP_7; break;
case 8: DIGIT3_DISP_8; break;
case 9: DIGIT3_DISP_9; break;
} else {
// Turn off the digit if it's zero
// if (d4 != 0 || d3 != 0) {
if (counter_value >= 10) {
switch (d4) {
case 0: DIGIT4_DISP_0; break;
case 1: DIGIT4_DISP_1; break;
case 2: DIGIT4_DISP_2; break;
case 3: DIGIT4_DISP_3; break;
case 4: DIGIT4_DISP_4; break;
case 5: DIGIT4_DISP_5; break;
case 6: DIGIT4_DISP_6; break;
case 7: DIGIT4_DISP_7; break;
case 8: DIGIT4_DISP_8; break;
case 9: DIGIT4_DISP_9; break;
} else if (d3 != 0) {
else {
// Turn off the digit if it's zero
switch (d5) {
case 0: DIGIT5_DISP_0; break;
case 1: DIGIT5_DISP_1; break;
case 2: DIGIT5_DISP_2; break;
case 3: DIGIT5_DISP_3; break;
case 4: DIGIT5_DISP_4; break;
case 5: DIGIT5_DISP_5; break;
case 6: DIGIT5_DISP_6; break;
case 7: DIGIT5_DISP_7; break;
case 8: DIGIT5_DISP_8; break;
case 9: DIGIT5_DISP_9; break;
/******************* Interrupts *****************/
pragma vector=PORT1_VECTOR
__interrupt void Port_1 (void)
if (P1IFG & BUTTON_2)
button2Pressed = 1;
pragma vector=TIMERA1_VECTOR
__interrupt void Timer_A (void)
{ -----
/***************** Main function ****************/
int main(void) {
volatile unsigned char ab = 0;
WDTCTL = WDTPW | WDTHOLD; // stop watchdog timer
FLL_CTL0 = XCAP10PF; // internal capacitor
ab |= (((P2IN & BIT5)>>3)|((P2IN & BIT4)>>1));
ab = ab >>2;
while (1)
// Check if units are changed
if (tickButton2 >= UNIT_CHANGE_BUTTON_TIME)
if (selectedUnit == METERS)
selectedUnit = FEET;
unitChanged = 1;
else if (selectedUnit == FEET)
selectedUnit = METERS;
unitChanged = 1;
tickButton2 = 0;
ab |= (((P2IN & BIT5)>>3)|((P2IN & BIT4)>>1));
if (ab == 0b000000111)
if (count > 999)
{count = 0;}
if (ab == 0b00001011)
if (count < -999)
{ count = -1;}
ab = ab >> 2;
if (unitChanged)
unitChanged = 0;
if (resetcountFlag)
count = 0;
resetcountFlag = 0;
So when the count is passed 999, adding +1 should reset the count to 0. Now that the count is 0 there are two possibilities:
a. adding a +1 would make the count be "1"
b. but subtracting a 1, would make the count back to "999"
The same goes when count is -999, subtracting a 1 would make it to 0. Now that count is 0, two instances can occur:
a. adding a +1 would make it back to -999, adding another +1 will make it -998 (so on and so forth)
b. subtracting a 1 would make it to -1, then another minus 1 will make it -2
Here's a diagram of how I explained it