i'm more programmer, so I will be glade if you can help me
the design involve amplification of 10Mhz sinus and measure the vrms output for that
arduino digital --> signal generator module --> amplifier --> RMS detector --> arduino ADC
---------------------------------------------> ultrasound ceramic
signal generator module is AD9850 DDS signal generator module like this DDS-AD9850 + Open oscilloscope - Lxardoscope - Blog
as I understand it is only frequency controlled and not amplitude controlled (if I wrong please tell me)
to control amplitude I tought using Digital Potentiometer like this one Digital Potentiometer - 10K - COM-10613 - SparkFun Electronics
is it going to work? any other thoughts?
how to connect it right? -
amplifier is big box laying in our lab http://www.atecorp.com/Equipment/amplifierresearch/30s1g3m3.asp
the goal is to replace it to some thing small linear in the range 9-12 MHZ (more or less) with fix 20 gain (or controlled) giving
max output of 60 V p-p
any suggestion how to connect what we have to the signal generator?
where to look for new amplifier? -
I found this RMS detector "ADL5511: DC to 6 GHz Envelope and TruPwr RMS Detector" ADL5511 Datasheet and Product Info | Analog Devices
and planing to use it evaluation board ADL5511 Datasheet and Product Info | Analog Devices
does arduino can support the power request of 5 V/100 mA power supply?
how can I reduce the high frequency 60 V p-p to RFIN (RFIN AC-Coupled) 5.6 V p-p of this device (Parnell to output ceramic)?
can it be done only with resistors?
how to connect it vrms output to the arduino ?
any other questions I should ask my self?