Does any one knows how to interface arduino wirelessly using esp8266 to a VB application in a computer.?
The arduino has to send the sensors data to a VB application in the computer wireless using esp8266 ?
How can i do this setup ? What is this method called ? Where do i get reference for this ?
I don't know VB but I think the overall approach would be to create a simple web server with VB and have the ESP8266 act as a client?
Is there an Arduino involved?
Yeah Arduino is involved. Arduino reads 10 Analog Sensor readings at a time..!
At present, I'm having a VB application which reads the 10 analog readings from arduino using USB... I want that to be implemented wireless using ESP8266 wifi module...!
Esp8266 connected to Arduino should have open access point, where i can able to connect to its network by means of pc or mobile to real time monitor the 10 sensors values...!
How can i implement this ? Please help me in this problem...?