Hello, all! My 10-year-old daughter and I are using the opportunity to create a fingerprint-sensor-enabled treasure box, to learn to use the Arduino and learn more about electronics together. We've got the fingerprint sensor working, at least recognizing her fingerprint, but are having some trouble incorporating the LCD 128X64 SPI screen into the mix. It uses the U8g2 library. We have it hooked up properly, we think, and can get it to print what we want with the simple "Hello World" sketch.
However, when it comes to bringing the two together, we run into 2 problems. We've incorporated the libraries and instruction sets applicable to our display, into our fingerprint-verification sketch, and we've verified the code and it says there are no errors (but that it's almost out of memory, due to the instruction set for our specific LCD screen) but as soon as I try to add "u8g2.begin" anywhere within the void setup, the fingerprint scanner ceases to function. It doesn't matter where within the void setup instructions I add it, the fingerprint scanner fails as soon as it's uploaded. Also, I'm not sure how to get the "print" function to push to the LCD screen, rather than the serial monitor (I'm sure it has to do with the "Serial.print" command, but it feels like there ought to be an easier way than rewriting every serial.print command to be display.print, or u8g2.print, but maybe that's what we have to do). Anyway, until we get the u8g2.begin to work, I doubt we'll be able to troubleshoot that last issue.
I"m attaching the sketch we're working with currently. Even though it doesn't show it in this sketch, it's anywhere after the "void setup(void)" that we CAN'T get the u8g2.begin to start. We're a bit stuck, and we'd like to submit this as an entry in her local science fair in 2 weeks. Any thoughts? Thank you all in advance!
fingerprint_display_test.ino (4.34 KB)