Help interacting with Seeed LoRa

I am having trouble interacting with my 'Seeed grove - LoRa E5' module. I have two of these same modules wich I would like to communicate with each other. I have no additional hardware specific to these LoRa's. On the bottom I have noticed that there are 4 ports, vcc, gnd, rx and tx. I would think this means that I could simply use UART to communicate between the two, but so far I haven't had good results with that.

I also tried downloading multiple different libraries, but the example code has always just seemed to do nothing (it doesn't bring up any errors, but doesn't transmit data either).

I know there are specific development boards for this LoRa, but since I am planning on using it in a project with space restrictions, I would like to be able to wire the module directly to the arduino. I have also been able to remove JST connector on the end, so it is possible to wire each of the outputs individualy.

Wich of these approches is the best for me? And is wiring the LoRa direcly even possible?

the Grove_LoRa_E5 webpage states
Easy control by AT command via UART connection
have you managed to get AT communication operational?
e.g. send "AT\r\n" and the response should be "+AT: OK"
did you try the LoRaWAN program presented in the Grove_LoRa_E5 webpage?
what host microcontroller are you using?
what baudrate are you using to communicate with the lora device? should be 9600?
upload a schematic of the wiring?
,upload any programs you have implemented?

Edit: you will probably require the LoRa-E5 AT Command Specification

Edit: if you are interested in LoRa point-to-point communication have a look at Grove-LoRa-E5-P2P-Example

tested a Seeed Grove LoRa E5 module

  1. connected to the TTN V3 desktop using OTTA - see Grove_LoRa_E5 introduction
  2. connected peer-to-peer (see Grove-LoRa-E5-P2P-Example) to a with a LoRa radio node
    and a Microchip RN2484 based Pictail Plus
    and Adafruit 32u4 LoRa

point-to-point code is usually provided for LoRa modules
however, connecting different makes of module can be difficult as the LoRa setup parameters may be different
recommend that when implementing LoRa point to point use the same modules for all stations

yes, reference design from the seeed LoRa-E5 module datasheet

you would need to design and build a PCB - not simple for RF designs
use a host Microcontroller that uses 3.3V logic
you would probably not get it much smaller than the Grove-LoRa-E5 module from seeed

The Seeed E5 is almost a good LoRa module.

Dont see that in AT command mode, for point to point LoRa, its much different to several other, admitadly slightly larger, LoRa modules that have built in UART interfaces such as those from Ebyte.

What does appeal about the E5, and potentially its significant adavantage, would be to be able to program the microcontroller direct and use one of the many SPI based LoRa libraries. I did manage to make one, via the Arduino IDE, blink an LED, but its now bricked and Seeed do not make it easy to recover, one day maybe I will have another go.

I am always searching for real small, but easy build LoRa nodes, the smallest so far uses another Seeed product, the XIAO SAMD, you can fit the XIAO on one side of a board and an RFM95 on the other, you end up with a very small LoRaWAN or point to point LoRa node.

A couple of years ago ST sent me STM32 Nucleo pack LoRa™ LF band sensor and gateway and a STM32 Nucleo-64 development board with STM32WL55JC MCU to evaluate
it was therefore interesting to see the Grove LoRa E5

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