... simply bring up the IDE then click on: [File]->[Preferences] ...
Interesting ...
I did that and I found that for my 64-bit Windows 7 installation it pointed to: C:\Users\Don\Documents\Arduino
When I got there I found that the 'libraries' folder was already present. Inside the libraries folder I found readme.txt and the contents of that file said "For information on installing libraries, see: http://arduino.cc/en/Guide/Libraries".
Now that looks awfully familiar....
Note that depending on your (Microsoft) operating system version the Documents folder may be called My Documents.
Anyway - my recommendation still stands, this is just a different way of finding out that it is no longer recommended to put your 'extra' libraries in the same location as those supplied with the IDE.
I completely agree with you that for normal situations, putting your libraries under your own sketchbook directory is much better
and I highly recommend doing that as well.
There are a few situations like when wanting to develop or test with specific IDE versions where
this method can't be used, but that is by far not the norm.
With repsect to locating the users personal sketchbook directory,
I think your exercise further demonstrates why the method I described for locating the sketchbook directory
is better. It works for ALL the operating systems, including linux which is what I use.
There is no need to have describe specific directories or operating systems as Limor has done.
(She somewhat punted on the path for linux)
My rule of thumb is less is more, and so if you can come up with a simpler way to describe something
that works in the general case rather than have to describe each individual specific case, then
the simpler way is "better",
and that is why, in my view, the best method for locating the sketchbook directory
(which is where the libraries subdirectory will live)
is to have the IDE tell you where it is looking because that is what really matters
and when the IDE tell's you, it is always correct no matter which OS or OS version you are using.
BTW, the support of a separate user "libraries" under the user "sketchbook" directory
has been in the IDE for several years, and many release prior to 1.x
--- bill