Help learning Arduino and finding resources

I recently just recieved the arduino projects pack from the MakerShed for Christmas. I have been experimenting around with it and have been following many tutorials such as LadyAda's and the EarthShineDesign pdf. manual. Dispite all this reading and constructing, I still feel like I lack the skill to do my own projects. Projects was another topic that I had some questions on. What type of projects are the best to start with and where can i find some plans or what not?

Basically, what resources, tips, pointers, advice, help, and words of wisdom would you give to someone who is completly new to Arduino, electronics, and programming?

Thank you guys so much! Arduino is awesome! ;D

The best type of project would be one that you're interested in :wink:

Do you like robots? Do a simple robot project and gradually expand it.
Music? Do a synth or MIDI project.
LED sculpture?
Home automation project?

Browse over in the Exhibition area and you will get some excellent ideas.

For a general electronic reference see the free online textbook

O'Reilly's Making Things Talk also has some great stuff.

(* jcl *)


Alright, thanks so much for the extra info. I have heard a lot recently about the new Practical Arduino book. Do you know anything about it and would it be worth picking up?

Does this help...

Last time I checked, Practical Arduino had not yet hit the printers, so picking up a copy could be a problem. Tom's book is really good, though. Even if you don't do any of the projects, he makes you think about what could be done.

But, jluciani is right. Find something that interests YOU, and start there.

Yeah that makes sense. I was thinking about all kinds of different projects but i just couldnt narrow it down. I was thinking about something like a RFID lock box or some type of rocket/projectile lauching system. Also I have looked at a really nice PIC run 3 barrell potato cannon and was thinking about modding that project to suit the Arduino. Any other project ideas along the lines of rocketry/explosives or anything close to that category? I am really excited about getting into arduino. So far I have just made a lot of random learning tools for doing tutorials on the ProtoShield. Also I made a really small arduino led game but I just used mostly someone elses code so it was not that self gratifying.