Ok, to start, I'm cheap... I own a 2000 Ford taurus which uses "electronic automated temperature controls" (henceforth EATC) and mine died! The controls are not the simple knobs and dials in most cars, when you press a button on the panel to make a change, the panel sends a DATA SIGNAL to the "remote climate control" (RCC) So, we have a TOP SECRET FORD DATA PROTOCOL (audio corporate protocol) that must be used to relay information between the heating system, A/C, 4 thermistors, and a "blend actuator" that mixes hot air with cold air.
What I have: The necessary IC's to interface with the data bus, the old VFD display, 3 ATMEGA 644P's with the arduino bootloader (they were sanguinos) a bunch of old eeproms from PC board pulls, and assorted parts laying around. (thats the "im cheap part")
What I need: Helping coding something for the atmega(s) to pull data off of the bus, and move it to EEPROM in the order it is recieved, for dissassembly. This helps because I can borrow an EATC and run through all the functions, I just need to store the special serial data (datalogging) for my custom module after I give the EATC back (they are hundreds of dollars!)