Help Me! Arduino Uno Drum Kit

Hi. I have Arduino Uno R3 and i make diy drum kit. I found a code but this code not compatible my board. And i don't use my bord with Hairless Midi software. Please help me. Drum kit code in the attachment. And this Project web site adress: Spooky Arduino Projects #4 – Musical Arduino – todbot blog

midi_drum_kit.pde (4.6 KB)

I am very confused about what you are asking.

The code that you attached (should have been inline with code tags) seems compatible with an Arduino Uno R3. What about it is "not compatible"?

What is "Hairless Midi software"?

How do you have your piezos and your midi connected? A schematic or wiring diagram would be nice.

Please provide more information and clarify your request.