I'm just starting out with the Arduino and electronics in general. I'm looking to place an order to get a little component inventory on the go. I'm always finding neat circuits online but I never seem to have the components needed to make them, so I need your help!
List some components that you think everyone should have on hand!
Look at the contents of those starter kits by SparkFun or others that are about.
There was also a thread a month or two back about this.
I would recommend a good range of resistors for every value from 47R to 47K. An capacitors 47uF, 4u7, 1uF 0.1uF (lots of these) 10nF.
Then general purpose NPN and PNP transistors like BC183 and BC237 and some diodes 1N4001.
A fist full of LEDs various colours and some connecting wire and strip board.
Thanks! That is exactly the kind of information I am looking for. I searched but cannot find that old thread. If anyone can link me, it would be greatly appreciated