Hi, I'm looking for guidance in getting started with my arduino project. I have soldering/electronics experience from working on amplifiers but this is really my first venture into ICs. I have a project I'd like to build but after a little googling I still don't feel like I know what I need to get started. I was hoping this group would help!
Here's what I want to do:
I run a warehouse space that we use as a shared practice space. We like to keep it flexible so we just have a calendar on the wall that you sign out time slots on, old school style. The problem is that sometimes people don't use their time slot, or sometimes you think a slot is free and so did someone else and they beat you to it, but you end up heading down and then being bummed out. I want to put in a light/sound sensor that will give a fair heuristic if someone is in the room based on two heuristics
- is the light on
- is there music above N dBs being played.
and then update a simple web page that lets one know if the space is occupied.
Could anyone help point me towards the major components I'll need to accomplish this? Which arduino board will suit me best? Obviously I need the network module, a light sensor, and some kind of microphone but other than that I'm not even sure where to start. Help appreciated! Thank you very much!