Hi all
I recently removed a hard drive from an Apple TimeCapsule and on the drive there was attached what I thought was some sort of thermal protection/measurement component that I could used with the arduino.
Picture of the component: http://bayimg.com/FabpiAAFa
Im pretty sure it says MPS3904 W81 on the component, But when i google that it looks like it is a regular transistor.
Then I wonder why solder a connector to the PCB, run two (yes 2) wires to the transistor and then glue it to the drive instead of just soldering it to the PCB directly. And if it is a transistor why is there only 2 and not 3 wires ?
(On the pic the top wire is connected to one leg and the bottom wire is connected to two legs, all though the pic does not show it too well)
Any help is appreciated
Best regards amjx