Help me out to build a RACE ROBOT !

Need to build a Race Robot
Vehicle(bot) speed must be : 1-1.5 metres/sec
Required Torque : I have no idea how much torque i need BUT it must easily jump through 5cm dia speed breakers(bumps) and should climb a slope of 40degrees.
Check this out - a sample track -

Robot dimensions : 252525 (lbh)
Robot weight: 500 gms (can be changed if necessary - depending on motors)
Drive: planning for a 4 wheel drive (all four wheels are connected to motors) and Steering front two wheels (instead of differential drive)
Note: None of the robot parts should be readymade (like gearboxes, steering connectors used in rc cars)
Robot must be controlled wirelessly using accelerometer
So, kindly suggest me some specific motors that are good at this stuff and serve my purpose. Also provide some resources regarding the bot construction :slight_smile:

Also provide some resources regarding the bot construction

You probably best do a lot of bot research using google and find what others have done to make bots for similar competitions and such.