Hello!!! I'm new in arduino programming. I've just used arduino for some small project and now I would like to create a midi controller to use it with a vj software.
I've connected all (arduino uno rev 3, 2 multiplexers 74HC4051, pushbuttons, pots, sliders) on my midi controller and all work well. Now I would add some leds as edge detection for pushbuttons.
I'm trying to modify the code but I'm stuck
I found this tutorial on arduino website https://www.arduino.cc/en/Tutorial/StateChangeDetection
but I don't know how to modify and insert it in the code that I'm using for my project... I'v just add some string with led connected to multiplexers but I don't know how to go on...
I hope you could help me!!!
MIDI_Controller_v1-2_edge_detection.ino (8.26 KB)