HELP!(need ideas.. clueless)

Okay friends, i have an arduino lying around here in my room.i actually made lighting bars(with 6 different led's) and gathered nearly all the components for this project..:-

Unfortunately it IS an overkill to use an arduino for music processing.. no wait.. to use a computer for processing... so i decided to drop the idea cause i dont want anything to be connected to my computer rather be standalone. i am thinking of making a VU meter(using simple LM3915) but so many LEDS (around 240 and 40 of each color) will behave like 40 little VU meters flashing at the same time.

So what i have is 6 diff colored led lines on my ceiling each one having its own strand and common ground line... anyone...? any projects that i can work upon?

sorry if you couldnt understand what i am trying to say... :cry: ::slight_smile:

Do you want to make a planetarium? (create illusion of a starry sky) Or a racetrack for moths? :wink:

well planetarium seems a good one.. but yes the leds are already fixed in channels.. so i cant move them :stuck_out_tongue: lol@racetrack.. :stuck_out_tongue:

Go for the racetrack! splendid idea! ;D

the racetrack with a race in progress?

c'mon people...NO racetracks LOL :smiley:

giant clock?