Help needed figuring pinout of this Synaptics Touchpad

I have reverse engineered a couple of Synaptics touchpads before, following the instructions in this video to find out the pinout. However, I'm not having luck with a third one.

It was pulled from a Microsoft Surface laptop 1705. The model is TM-P3088. I didn't find anything from some extensive searching on Google. Has anyone worked with this toudhpad before and can shed some light?

The connector has 8 pins. But the FPC cable only has 6 wires, with pins 1 & 8 not connected. It's pretty easy to figure out pin 5 and T23 are GND. The Vcc pin should have a capacitor connected to it. So it looks like it's pin 3/T20. Two of the rest four are clock and data. So I hooked up with an Arduino and tried all 12 combinations and none worked. I'm using the PS2 trackpad lib: GitHub - adafruit/Adafruit-PS2-Trackpad: PS2 library for Adafruit capacitive trackpads. It's always stuck at waiting for CLK to be pulled high or low by the device.

I know it's a shot in the dark. But I hope someone could give me some pointers. Thanks.