Help needed on code for line follower with obstacle avoider with Ir remote with

I'm making a smart robot car that can follow line, avoid obstacle, ir remote controlled, bluetooth controlled...

Im not having trouble with the code but the problem is that while following line the robot moves left back or right back to come to the proper position.

I dont know what to do to make it move left front or front right. Please help me as im a beginner. I have attached the code with the post.

Please help me with the changes i will have to make to the code.....

Sorry for the bad english....

I have also attached a video to the post which shows the way the robot is behaving....

Thanks in advance.

This is the link to the video


Sorry you will have to download the video as I was not able to attach to the post

four_in_one_demo_mod.ino (12.4 KB)

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