I’m new to Arduino and have a issue I’m unsure of my options
I have started a job due to the last engineer leaving
My issue is the nano is part of a motor controller and wanted to use a 16x2 display with a i2c interface but A4 and A5 are both used
Interesting idea, but I don't know if any of the i2c LCD libraries will work with it, out-of-the-box. @hollywood2395 might need to change the LCD library extensively to make the idea work.
Use the hd44780 library. If you have a PCF8574 based backpack, then use the hd44780_I2Xexp i/o class.
It is compatible with SoftwareWire.
There is even an example of how to use it with SoftwareWire.
One thing to keep in mind is depending on how the motor controller part is handled. The I2C interface software can affect the timing and cause issues. i.e. if the current code depends on specific loop() timing, then using i2c can break that.
--- bill