help needed with code

From power up the LCD shows Time and Date

I can navigate the menu but seem to be always stuck in case 1: or case 2: I cant seem to change the Rtc parameters as I just get put back into the menu.

void loop()
  if (menuRoot == true)
    lcd.setCursor(4, 0);
    lcd.setCursor(3, 1);

I then navigate the menus using the encoder

void readEncoder() //read the encoder and set lastButtonPushed to values used by navigateMenu()
  n = digitalRead(encoder0PinA);// n is current state of encoder0PinA pin
  if ((encoder0PinALast == HIGH) && (n == LOW)) // check if encoder0PinA pin has changed state
    if (digitalRead(encoder0PinB) == LOW) 
      lastButtonPushed = 1; //if it has changed and its now low decrement  encoder0Pos;
      lastButtonPushed = 2; // if it has changed and its now high, increment encoder0Pos
  encoder0PinALast = n; // set the variable holding the previous state to the value n read above

Then using case 1; or case 2 of the void navigateMenus, I move Left/Right through the menu till I get to for example "Min" from void menuChanged.

void menuChanged(MenuChangeEvent changed){

  MenuItem; //get the destination menu

  lcd.setCursor(0,0); //set the start position for lcd printing to the second row

    menuRoot = true;    
  else if(newMenuItem.getName()=="menuSetClock"){
    menuRoot = false;
    lcd.print("Set Clock");
  else if(newMenuItem.getName()=="menuItemHr"){
  else if(newMenuItem.getName()=="menuItemMin"){

Now that I have "Min" displayed on the LCD. I select it by pressing the encoder push button on pin 45.

void menuUsed(MenuUseEvent used){ //                  **if you have a function call it here**
  if ( used.item == menuItemHr ){
    lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
  else if ( used.item == menuItemMin ){
    lcd.setCursor(0, 0);

  if ( used.item == menuExit ){

This now shows the LCD displaying the clock. because of the function changeMin() called from void menuUsed above

void changeMin(){

    min = ++min % 60; //  this is better than // min += 1;as it rolls overfrom 59 to 00
    //if (incrementMinuteButtonPressDectected) min = ++min % 60 // increment and rollover past 59
    //if (decrementMinuteButtonPressDectected) min = (--min + 60) % 60 // decrement and rollunder past 0 
  rtc.setTime(hour, min,sec);

At this point If I use the encoder case 1 or case 2, it does not change the Mins on the clock. It simply navigates the menu left or right.

but if I press the encoder push button, the minutes change... hope this helps. I have included attachment of the Full code below.

doc.txt (16.9 KB)

bump =(


What has changed in the intervening month or so?



What has changed in the intervening month or so?

absolutely nothing.

Hopefully their are some new people online able to help.

Rather than submit a new post I bumped this back up the list where it might get viewed.