Good day I would like to control 16 relays with my computer. So I have a couple of questions
What board or boards do you suggest
Is it easier to program the relays with hyper terminal or through a web browser
I have a program called Automate by Network Automation. Among other things it will let me open up hyper terminal and then send text to it.. I hoping I can use this to run the relays but Im not sure how thats done in hyper terminal
Thanks guys
Noone has any advice for someone just starting out
My advice is to form a sensible, straightforward question and use a sensible title for the post.
Surely those relays will be connected to something and it matters a lot what that something is.
"control from an Android phone" is a completely separate topic.
When you were browsing this Forum which titles did you find most useful - those that described the problem or those, like yours, that provide no information at all?
Thanks guys for the reply
Jremington not sure how to answer you
In my post I said I want to control the relays with a computer. If your talking about what the relays control thats not the problem. The problem is Im not sure what to get started with. I want to use as I said my computer and a program called Automate by Network Automation. Most of the windows software that I have tried is very limited you can only set up times and dates. I would like to be able to assign hot keys to turn the relays off and on.
I would like to be able to assign hot keys to turn the relays off and on.
Well, for the arduino part, you need code to the relays on/off. I would suggest using something like the 74hc259 chip to do the relay on/off multiplexing. As to the pc hot keys, you will need to write an application for the pc so it can send the desired commands to the arduino when the appropriate pc keys are pressed.
Hi, Trickyrick, reply #2 and #3 were referring to how you have titled this thread.
"Advice" will not attract many forum users.
You can modify the subject of the thread, and I suggest you do it now.
Change it to something that indicates what you need info on.
"Help on Relay control via PC "
Would have been much better, you have a full screen width of text to use for your subject.
Hope this helps, as you will see the number of subjects started each day can be quite high, and I do a quick scan of subjects each morning, weekends even more often, I didn't even notice this until now. (that is at least 4 scans of this in last 30 hours.)
Hope we can help.
you have had many posts . to review
#1) a subject line that defines what you need will bring people who have answers and have done 'that'
#2) define your needs. break your project into phases you can complete.
it appears you just want to turn relays on and off.
may I suggest you get 16 LED's and learn how to turn them on and off ? the software is the same, the pins and power (for the most part) is the same.
once you can light your LED's you can replace the LED with a transistor.
for 16, you should look at a serial port expander. the MCP23016 is only of of many you can use.
you could use two shift registers.
both of these are well documented and you should have no problem using them to light LED's and then relays.