Help over live video streaming

Am doing project on a reconnaissance robot with live video streaming, related to my course. I have Arduino UNO & Mega 2560, on user console side and recon element side respectively.
But I don't have a clear idea about what should be done.
Am thinking to use cameras used by security systems for this, but how can we integrate it with Arduino?
Which all are the cheapest versions of LCD display available? I need to display it over a user console(remote). Am from India, so would be great if anyone know Indian sites, otherwise also, its fine.
Which library should be used for this? If you know any similar projects, please share.

Thanks for your time & effort :slight_smile:

Am thinking to use cameras used by security systems for this, but how can we integrate it with Arduino?

You could use the Arduino to turn the power to the camera system on and off, or to control servos to steer the camera.


Am thinking to use cameras used by security systems for this, but how can we integrate it with Arduino?

You could use the Arduino to turn the power to the camera system on and off, or to control servos to steer the camera.

Thanks, but how can the data be collected from camera using Arduino?

Thanks, but how can the data be collected from camera using Arduino?

As AWOL has hinted, the Arduino has nothing to do with collecting data from a camera. You require a wireless video link to do that. For a short range, consider one of the "Wireless Video Sender"s that are sold to send video from one room of a house to another, though these often use directional antennae which could be somewhat inconvenient with a moving robot.

Ok, now the transmission part is clear :slight_smile: Thanks.
Would this one do the job?


As AWOL has hinted, the Arduino has nothing to do with collecting data from a camera

This is true with the Uno/Mega and Due Arduinos, however the Yun does have support for USB (web) cams and has built in WiFi.


This is going to be heresy on an Arduino forum but have you looked at the Raspberry Pi, it now has a camera module and a processor that may be fast enough for video processing.

Yes the Pi is good providing you don't mind Linux stalling the process for a few seconds every ten seconds or so.

Does the Pi really do that? In your own experience


Below is the basics of a simple wireless router bot setup. The basic setup is a battery powered wireless router with an arduino/Ethernet shield attached, and an IP cam would be connected to the router for the video feed.

I have my bot's IP cam connected via its own WiFi stright to the PC.'s WiFi.


how can we integrate it with Arduino?

The simple answer is that you don't. Let your vehicle carry and point the camera but pass the video stream directly to a computer.

I need to display it over a user console(remote). Am from India, so would be great if anyone know Indian sites, otherwise also, its

A smartphone makes a handy control interface and video display terminal - so does a laptop, if you want something easier to work with.

The simple answer is that you don't. Let your vehicle carry and point the camera but pass the video stream directly to a computer.

A Yun can host a web cam, but its so new that there are no how to's YET!


Does the Pi really do that? In your own experience


Yes in every program I have ever written on the Pi ( and that is quite a few ) it stalls or freezes every ten seconds or so for at least a second. That includes simply streaming the video onto SD card, so any video has jumps at least every eight seconds.
If you look with a scope at signals you will also see micro glitches where your program goes walkabout for 10mS quite regularly. You don't notice this but it screws up any multiplexing or timing of signals.

For the Pi community it is the Elephant in the room.

A guide to use the Yun with streaming webcam

This is going to be heresy on an Arduino forum but have you looked at the Raspberry Pi, it now has a camera module and a processor that may be fast enough for video processing.

Thanks for the suggestion. Already have invested too much into that project. Can say this is the last part of it. I already have two arduino boards as mentioned earlier, that's why am sticking on to Arduino.

A guide to use the Yun with streaming webcam

Guide to Setup Streaming Web Cam on the Yun - Arduino Yún - Arduino Forum

Thanks, but yun seems too costly for me :slight_smile: