help please Interface rfid with arduino with local page [php]

good day every one... i need help please.. im currently working in a project using openbiblio. an integrated library system, we want to replace the barcode with rfid reader,.but i dont know how to replace or interface rfid with local web page, someone said that use the arduino.. please some any examples, suggestion or tutorial would be a great help.. thanks, have a good day everyone...

good day every one... i need help please.. im currently working in a project using openbiblio. an integrated library system, we want to replace the barcode with rfid reader,.but i dont know how to replace or interface rfid with local web page, someone said that use the arduino.. please some any examples, suggestion or tutorial would be a great help.. thanks, have a good day everyone...

May be helpyou lot

thank you sir.. i'll try.. :smiley: