when I power up the board, all I get is the Red LED (have digital pins 2-7 hooked up to LEDs on another bread bored that work fine when I connect them to my Arduino running the same sketch)
I know its a tricky one without seeing the circuit up close, but any ideas would be appreciated......(starting with stupid school boy mistakes)
The "rails" along the top and bottom of most solderless breadboards of that variety are not continuous from end to end. They have a break in the center. Hard to tell if your power-supply circuit is supplying parts correctly at that end.
Have you set the AVR fuses correctly for crystal operation?
the what now?
regards 6MHz crystal And two 22pf capacitors, yes.
The "rails" along the top and bottom of most solderless breadboards of that variety are not cledontinuous from end to end. They have a break in the center. Hard to tell if your power-supply circuit is supplying parts correctly at that end.
put the 4 jumpers in and thing went a little strange. had the board set up to run the 6 LED Night Rider loop (the sketch being on the chip...tested and working in my Arduino) and after connecting power the LEDs attached to pins Dig 7 6 & 5 lit up, and the LED attached to Dig 2 EXPLODED!?!?!? :o
The pins are numbered from the top left hand corner in an anticlockwise direction. You appear to have wired it up identifying the chip pins as if you were looking at them from the under side.
The pins are numbered from the top left hand corner in an anticlockwise direction. You appear to have wired it up identifying the chip pins as if you were looking at them from the under side.
are the pictures flipped? The dot for pin 1 appears to be on the top right hand side of your processor... cant really geta good view from your pics
Sorry my web cam seems to have flipped the photos just to make things even more complicated fr you all.
It might just look like it in the picture. I don't have the data sheet in front of me but on the side of the breadboard that has the crystal, there is a red wire going to Vcc then a jumper connecting 2 pins then there is a black wire that looks like its also going to Vcc instead of Gnd. I don't know if its supposed to be going to Gnd but usually black wires do. btw ive never wired up a stand alone so im just going off what I see.
think iv buggered up my ATMEGA168 (noticed i had my 2 22 pF capacitors going onto Vcc and not GND now when i iput my chep into the Arduino to program, now i just get
avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding
avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding
n00b, no worries, we all "mess up" and have "stuff we did wrong" too. It's true and we're not all snickering at your n00bishness.
That said, go order another ATMEGA168-with-bootloader (or two). If you're gonna play with standalone wiring, you should have a few on hand. The people developing the Arduino board have had to test, revise, retest, improve their design several times, and now you're trying to get it all right on the first try.
One question, do you have a digital multimeter? Volts and ohms? Why not? Go to Wal*Mart's car section and buy a cheap pocket version (digital, not analog) at the very least. Double-check your work often.
One question, do you have a digital multimeter? Volts and ohms? Why not? Go to Wal*Mart's car section and buy a cheap pocket version (digital, not analog) at the very least. Double-check your work often.