Hello. I have a project where I use 5 meters of ws2812b leds (300leds) and a nodemcu using fastled library. I am using one powerbank to power the leds and the nodemcu however I wint some powerbanks the nodemcu does not seem to power up. At times I need to disconnect the leds from nodemcu in order to powerup nodemcu.
I am attaching my current diagram. Would anyone have any suggestions regarding powering this setup?
A pretty Fritzing drawing is just that, and no more. It's a pretty drawing; not a schematic. A hand drawn schematic on the back of an envelope is far superior to a Fritzing drawing for circuit design.
I am surprised that your NodeMCU even powers up at all. 300 LEDS will need as much as 6 amps based on the rule of thumb spec of 20ma per LED.
300 addressable RGB LEDs could draw 3000.023= 18Amp when all driven full white.
Bit much for your unspecified power bank that could be designed for 500mA.
Your LED strip might also not be reliable with the 3.3volt logic of the ESP8266.
A 3.3volt to 5volt level converter could fix this.
Your LED strip might also not be reliable with the 3.3volt logic of the ESP8266.
A 3.3volt to 5volt level converter could fix this.
That might be a little confusing.
The ESP produces a 3.3 V data signal to drive the LED chain. The LEDs are operating at 5 V and the logic level may not be adequate. The "level converter" you need is two gates of a 74HCT14 cascaded (so they invert the signal and then invert it again), driven by the ESP so that they output the same logic signal but with 5 V levels.