I have constructed a robot arm with 4 servo motors, one controlling the left right swivel from underneath, one opening and closing the jaws, one raising and lowering the arm height and one controlling the distance the arm moves.
I have then decided to put this one wheels using 4 motors, like an rc car. I am using an Arduino nano with a bluetooth JY-MCU HC-06 wireless module.
I plan on using an IOS app called blynk using three joysticks to control this system, if anyone could please write a program I would appreciate it greatly
Attached below are the image of the project and I can attach images of motors and boards if required
I have constructed a robot arm with 4 servo motors, one controlling the left right swivel from underneath, one opening and closing the jaws, one raising and lowering the arm height and one controlling the distance the arm moves.
I have then decided to put this one wheels using 4 motors, like an rc car. I am using an Arduino nano with a bluetooth JY-MCU HC-06 wireless module.
I plan on using an IOS app called blynk using three joysticks to control this system, if anyone could please write a program I would appreciate it greatly
Are you looking to pay someone to write this program for you? The reason I ask is because we have a forum section specifically for offering paid work and if that's what you're doing I'll request this thread be moved there.
If you're hoping someone will write the program for you for free, it's very unlikely that will happen. We're happy to help people learn here, but if we do your project for you then the only thing you will learn is that there are some suckers on the Arduino Forum.
I was hoping for some help as I haven't done any programming before and was hoping for some help from someone with experience with similar projects and what each code line means
I need help coding my system project and was hoping someone could help me, details are below and if more specifics are required I can provide them
I have constructed a robot arm with 4 servo motors, one controlling the left right swivel from underneath, one opening and closing the jaws, one raising and lowering the arm height and one controlling the distance the arm moves.
I have then decided to put this one wheels using 4 motors, like an rc car. I am using an Arduino nano with a bluetooth JY-MCU HC-06 wireless module.
I plan on using an IOS app called blynk using three joysticks to control this system, if anyone could please write a program I would appreciate it greatly
It's probably still the right place for your request, even if money isn't going to change hands.
Go ahead and ask people to do free work for you on that forum section. See how well that works out.
*in fact it doesn't even say it implictly, imo.
I don't care what the description says. That's all the forum section has been used for consistently for years, so that's what it's for.
I like the idea of collaborations between members of the Arduino community and eagerly watched the section to follow along with the progress of any such projects, but have never seen a single one after 6 years. I certainly wouldn't consider codybeckley's project to fall under the heading of a collaboration. So it's a gig. A gig is a paid job.
I think the problem is the practice of asking the potential client to name their price. They're either going to offer too little and insult you or offer too much and get ripped off. I learned long ago to never do business with people who operate that way. The right way is for the person providing the service or good to specify the price (which could be a fixed amount, an hourly wage, etc.). If the potential customer doesn't like the price then they can move on.
While I agree in the general term (when making business with the usual suspect otside this forum) I disagree in respect to this forum. Almost all calls for payed jobs are in the category of "Please help me out for free (even when I say I pay you something) 'cause I am too lazy to read the docs/make my homework/whatever". The question on the budget makes it clear, that ther is money to be payed for a job to be done. If the client is seriouse (which I doubt in 99.9% of all cases in this forum) then he will ask for an offer and/or provide more information. Sorry to say, it never happens here. The question of budget ends the desire to pay for a solution, most likely 'cause the "client" realised it's going to be seriouse.
In general, I agree with this statement. But if they're asking for something complex it helps to have an upfront idea of the budget. If it's going to take me a while to even figure out how much to charge, then I don't want to waste the time doing the research for a $800 project, but they only expect to pay $50.
However, 90% of the time I agree with you: I look at the project and decide how much I want to do the work. If it's more than they can afford, we can reduce the scope, or sometimes I offer to do it as "fill in" work when I'm not busy. So if they don't mind waiting a few weeks or months, I can do it at a lower price, but not $800 -> $50; that just ain't happenin'
That said, I have done "collaborations" where payment is essentially deferred until we get the thing working properly. There are a couple people from this site that I've worked with where the engineering bill would be well North of $15,000 if I were charging normal freelance rates but I don't charge for the development, we just have an agreement that they will buy the final devices from me. It works out for both parties.
I think the problem is the practice of asking the potential client to name their price. They're either going to offer too little and insult you or offer too much and get ripped off. I learned long ago to never do business with people who operate that way. The right way is for the person providing the service or good to specify the price (which could be a fixed amount, an hourly wage, etc.). If the potential customer doesn't like the price then they can move on.