Help... Project for Converter from Sin/Cos to TTL


two analog inputs (each sine and cosine) must be minimum 5Mhz.
because servomotor describes encoder sin/cos 1Vpp 2048pulse/revolution.
two digital outputs must be converted from analog inputs for TTL.
I have questions:
how many maximum frequency has analog inputs?
how many maximum frequency has digital outputs?
does work for MEGA 2560 R3 ATMEGA ?

if does work, can i here feedback.

i use Linuxcnc for every. I know myself very well in HAL for Linuxcnc.

Thank you for your support.

Best regards from Berlin.

must be minimum 5Mhz.

No way can you use an Arduino to sample a 5MHz analogue signal. You will be pushing things to get 20KHz sampling rate on a MEGA 2560 R3 ATMEGA and that equates to an input frequency of no more than 10KHz.

The title is a nonsense converting from a mathematical function to a logic voltage level is just not a concept. It is like converting a smell to yellow.

because servomotor describes encoder sin/cos 1Vpp 2048pulse/revolution.

No idea what that means either. Servo motors are driven by PPM signals not by sin waves.

two analog inputs (each sine and cosine) must be minimum 5Mhz.

Why 5 MHz?

It is like converting a smell to yellow.

Think that might even be easier - some MQ sensor and an RGB LED :slight_smile:

two analog inputs (each sine and cosine) must be minimum 5Mhz.
because servomotor describes encoder sin/cos 1Vpp 2048pulse/revolution.

5MHz implies 2500 revolutions per second or so?
Do you want to count the revolutions or determine the position of the servo?

Wenn du von Berlin kommst ist es vielleicht einfacher um ihre fragen auf die Deutsche sub forum zu fragen. Ist Deutsch Ihre muttersprache ?

thank you so much for feedback.

yes i do speak in german. but forum in english here.

Archibald and robtillaart: because follow: servo motor has 3000rm/min. so to be calculated: 3000 x 2048 pulse = 6166khz per sec signal-out from encoder.

i want connect TTL-Encoder to my-CNC-controller. its work for position.

Heidenhain-Converter (sin/cos 1vpp to ttl 5vdc) is very expensive. little breakout costs about 1000 Euro for one price.

there are other Arduino over 5Mhz?

thank you for feedback.

Heidenhain-Converter (sin/cos 1vpp to ttl 5vdc) is very expensive. little breakout costs about 1000 Euro for one price.

So what makes you think it is possible to do it with a $50 development board?

there are other Arduino over 5Mhz?

Do you mean what Arduinos run faster than 5MHz then the answer is they all do. If you mean what Arduino can sample a sin signal that is at 5MHz then the answer is non can.

want connect TTL-Encoder to my-CNC-controller. its work for position.

That is not what you said at first.

For a CNC control system then you normally use a rotary shaft encoder connected to the mechanics and count the pulses it gives. Counting the cycles in the motor is just a waste of time because you do not know if the mechanics has slipped. That is why you attach the encoder to the mechanics.

yes i do speak in german. but forum in english here.

If you look further down the home page you will find Deutsch


servo motor has 3000rm/min. so to be calculated: 3000 x 2048 pulse = 6166khz per sec signal-out from encoder.

3000 revolutions per minute is 50 revolutions per second!

I want connect TTL-Encoder to my-CNC-controller.

This voltage comparator circuit may do the conversion for you but I'm not certain:

Of course you will need one for the sin output and one for the cos output.

I am not sure if the encoder outputs will be happy driving into that resistance connected to +5V.

The resistors bias the inputs of the comparator to approximately the middle of the common-mode input voltage range (0 to Vcc-1.5). Keep connections from comparator inputs to the resistors short.