Sorry for the noob question but im a little stuck, A few months back I done a project on a esp32 board. Im now re-visiting it to upgrade it and I have found I cant find the original sketch.
I do however have a working board with it on. I know i cant recover the the sketch but I have download a bin file from the board.
Ive put the bin in an hex editor and can see what I need to edit but when I save and reupload the new board doesnt like it.
I have uploaded the untouched bin to the board and all is good.
I loaded the bin file in hxd and then edited some text (which is just a web address the lcd displays) so nothing major and then save as and made a new bin file
ANY file could be appended with .BIN. That does not automatically make it a format that can be used by the program that uploads a .BIN file to your Arduino.
Uploadable records are usually formatted with a beginning address and a count of the number of bytes in this record. Your .BIN file has none of that.
What happens if you revise the original file, save it then revise it back to its original state and save it again. Does it work as it did originally when uploaded ?
Ok so I edited the file changing 1 text character only and saved.
Uploaded and its a no go.
Edited the file back to original and saved, uploaded and fine.
I doubt you can just edit the bin file because that would change the address locations of where things are stored. I think your best bet is starting over. Your lucky its only been a couple of months instead of a couple of years.