Hi there, i am totally new to it all but i am searching for anyone to help with or partner up on creating hardware and software for a project we are working on.
im looking to develop a controller that can be connected to the network and mobile devices ( app) to remotely operate some higher voltage equipment. 110/220vt. the controller needs to read current outside air temperatures by either a wired or wireless sensor also support some other output features with delays.
if you or anyone you know is interested and/or also interested in a business proposal / partnership . id happily give more information.
I searched topics and discussion for similar post , as well as, Forum Rules about asking for help or building a team from the forum page, couldn't find anything. I hope this doesn't violate any rules here. let me know if it does.
My close friend and partner who was an electrical engineer was killed in a motorcycle accident. i have no idea how to keep our vison alive! Any help is appreciated! Thank you all
Respectfully, Dan