I would really appreciate some help with setting up my temperature sensor. I'm trying to display the temperature reading onto the LCD that came with the arduino kit but it refreshes far too fast so it's near impossible to read on the screen.
You can't change the analog read rate or the LCD refresh rate. Those are fixed by the hardware.
What you can change is WHEN you read the sensor and/or WHEN you change what is displayed.
Look at the blink without delay rate to change when you read the sensor. Change the displayed value only when the value to be displayed is not the same as the value being displayed. Of course, that means keeping track of what is being displayed.
but it just made the entire screen refresh constantly
Of course it did. You REALLY need to give some thought as to when you call lcd.clear().
Should it be called on every pass through loop()? Or, should it be called only when there is new data to display? Or, should it never be called. If you print() a couple of spaces after the "degrees C", then changes in the number of characters used to represent the temperature will not cause problems, and you never need to clear the lcd.