Help Sniff 2.4ghz


I bought a china light that comes with a remote control on 2.4ghz. The chip in the controller is TLSR8368EP16 with a 16mhz crystal. I wish to learn the signal and use either arduino mega or ESP8266 to send out the signal. I saw alot of post using NRF24L01+ to sniff but its subjected if the remote control chip is of the similar protocol. Any idea how so I go about it? Thanks.

It would probably be a lot easier to replace the receiver in the "China light" with a standard remote control receiver, like this one.

thanks for the reply. I had about 10 lights and each having its own driver+receiver (using 1 remote control to control all), so if i were to replace all, it might be costly and time consuming. The current one supports ON/OFF and dimming + colour temp change. 433/315 normally support ON/OFF only unless i integrate those RF receiver for LED strips into my light.

Another way i thought of is to connect arduino to the remote itself, which consist of metal dome contact button. I am also not sure how it works. I did a connectivity test and it shows few groups of buttons going into different pins of the chip.

To duplicate the remote transmissions, you first need to determine the modulation protocol used by the commercial product. For 2.4 GHz radios, that requires sophisticated equipment, and can be quite difficult even if you know how to go about it. Then you have to find a radio transmitter that can reproduce or imitate the protocol.

Using the Arduino to push a button on the existing remote is a much better idea. Measure the voltages at the pushbutton contacts to find the positive switch terminal, and use an NPN transistor to close the circuit as follows. This circuit requires a common ground between the Arduino and the remote. Use an optocoupler to avoid that.

