help to light a LED using SVPWM

Good morning people, I'm trying to light a LED using SVPWM and 3 digital outputs from the Arduino, but I am very doubts and start making the code, someone help me? thank you.

A 4-pin LED ?

Connect 150..1000 Ohm resistors to , on one side, pins 3,5 and 6 (PWM-pins on an UNO)
Other side to LEDs colour pins. The longest pin - common anode - to 5V
(if common cathode.. to GND)

Your programs define the three pins as OUTPUT and analogWrite(pin_nbr,a_valee)
Try with different values for each of the three pins

no 4-pin led , led 2-pin.
thank you

I think you had better explain what you mean by "SVPWM" - preferably with web links, and similarly provide a link to the particular LED you will be using., where the housing is flat, .. shorter pin, to GND. long tin via resistor to pin 3 (or other PWM-pin)

then analogWrite(pin,a_value); // a_value og 20: dim , 255 - brightest