help to solve it please

Write an Arduino sketch on Tinkercad that reads a single line from the keyboard as follows:

If the input is


The servo motor will rotate 120 degrees to the left

If the input is


The servo will rotate by 90 degrees to the right

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Is this an assignment that you want us to do for you ?

What have you written so far ?

Show us a good schematic of your proposed circuit.
Show us a good image of your ‘actual’ wiring.
Give links to components.

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What will the servo doof it’s already at or near the limit of travel, and gets a command to go further ?

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What will the servo do if it’s already at . . .

Hehe… along with the doof noise when it hits the limit !

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Read the first character into a direction variable
Skip the second character
Parse the rest of the string into an integer
Move the servo

Can you please tell us how much experience you have with Arduinos and C++?

I tried to write something in it, but I could not complete it. I had difficulty writing the code to enter the angle and direction of rotation with each other via the keyboard

#include<Servo.h> // include server library

Servo ser; // create servo object to control a servo

int poser = 0; // initial position of server

int val; // initial value of input

void setup() {

Serial.begin(9600); // Serial comm begin at 9600bps

ser.attach(9);// server is connected at pin 9


void loop() {

if (Serial.available()) // if serial value is available


val =;// then read the serial value

if (val == 'R') //if value input is equals to d


poser += 1; //than position of servo motor increases by 1 ( anti clockwise)

ser.write(poser);// the servo will move according to position

delay(15);//delay for the servo to get to the position


if (val == 'L') //if value input is equals to a


poser -= 1; //than position of servo motor decreases by 1 (clockwise)

ser.write(poser);// the servo will move according to position

delay(15);//delay for the servo to get to the position




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