My project is guidance system for visually impaired, through voice sound that would be heared to them with earphones...

I have been working with Atmega168 for synthesizing audio from arduino with the great help from the code below Arduino Playground - PCMAudio.
I also got good audio output for this code.

The problem here is i want about 36 samples of sound (mostly 1sec audio for speaking 10 numerals and 26 english alphabets as separate samples, so total approx 36-40 sec audio ) to be stored in arduino but will there be memory room to accomodate it...

And what would be the best solution to solve it...i have atmega328 now will that have enough memory...i would much prefer to go with any procedures using atmega168 or 328 with eeprom r any effective means....

36 seconds at 8000 bytes per second is 288,000 bytes. The ATmega328P has only 32,000 bytes of FLASH memory. You will have to find some other way to store the sounds. Several companies make 2 megabit (256K x 8) and larger serial EEPROM chips for under $1 each.

Thank u for ur suggestion but can eeprom be compatible for this pcm audio code due to access speed issue, i dont have any prior knowldge.

If it can be used please suggest me the procedures for interfacing n communication methods....

thank u

No access to the EEPROM is too slow to use directly as an output. You need to have some extra RAM called SRAM attached to the SPI bus. You then copy the sound sample out of EEPROM into SRAM and from there you feed it into an external A/D converter.
If you are not up to building this then get a wave shield from Lady Ada. That used an SD card which you can access fast enough to play a sound.