I am trying to make a MIDI receive circuit. I have a 6N139 Opto-isolator and I have been looking at the schematics at Grumpy Mike's site: MIDI Shield
My project is a simple (ha ha) midi clock counter. I thought I could just use the receive side of Mike's Drawings, so my circuit looks like the picture and schematic enclosed below. I made one change where I used a 470R in place of 680R to pull up to 5V. I only had the 470 on hand.
I use the code from Mike's site also, but I don't not receive any serial data as far as I can tell.
Here is a the code:
/* Midi Shield - Mike Cook May 2009
* -----------------
* listen for MIDI serial data,
* sends MIDI note on with push button on Pin 2
The MIDI Socket is connected to arduino RX through an opto-isolator to invert the MIDI signal
and separate the circuits of individual instruments.
//variables setup
byte incomingByte;
byte note;
byte button;
int noteDown = LOW;
int state=0; // state machine variable 0 = command waiting : 1 = note waitin : 2 = velocity waiting
byte channel = 1; // MIDI channel to respond to (in this case channel 2) change this to change the channel number
// MIDI channel = the value in 'channel' + 1
//setup: declaring inputs and outputs and begin serial
void setup() {
pinMode(13,OUTPUT); // LED to light up
pinMode(2,INPUT); // push button to read
digitalWrite(2,HIGH); // enable internal pull up resistors
button = digitalRead(2); // initialise push button state
state = 0; // initialise state machine variable
//start serial with MIDI baud rate 31250 or another standard speed for debugging
digitalWrite(13,LOW); // Turn LED off
//loop: wait for serial data, and interpret the message
void loop () {
checkIn(); // see if anything has arrived at the input
void checkButton(){
if(button != digitalRead(2)) { // only do stuff on a change
button = digitalRead(2); // get new state of button
if(button == HIGH) noteSend(0x80, 65, 0); else noteSend(0x90, 65, 127);
// plays a MIDI note
void noteSend(byte cmd, byte data1, byte data2) {
cmd = cmd | channel; // merge channel number
Serial.print((byte)cmd); // command
Serial.print((byte)data1); // note number
Serial.print((byte)data2); // velocity
void checkIn(){
if (Serial.available() > 0) {
// read the incoming byte:
incomingByte = Serial.read();
switch (state){
case 0:
// look for as status-byte, our channel, note on
// if (incomingByte== (144 | channel)){ // un comment and comment the line below - to read only one channel
if ((incomingByte & 0xf0) == 0x90){ // this reads all channels
noteDown = HIGH;
// look for as status-byte, our channel, note off
// if (incomingByte== (128 | channel)){ // un comment and comment the line below - to read only one channel
if ((incomingByte & 0xf0) == 0x80){ // this reads all channels
noteDown = LOW;
case 1:
// get the note to play or stop
if(incomingByte < 128) {
state = 0; // reset state machine as this should be a note number
case 2:
// get the velocity
if(incomingByte < 128) {
doNote(note, incomingByte, noteDown); // do something withh the note on message
state = 0; // reset state machine to start
void doNote(byte note, byte velocity, int down){
// if velocity = 0 on a 'Note ON' command, treat it as a note off
if ((down == HIGH) && (velocity == 0)){
down = LOW;
// do something with the note message
// this just toggles Pin 13 and ignores the note value and velocity
if(down == LOW) digitalWrite(13, LOW); else digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
I have a scope I can hook up to this, but I'm not sure what I should look for. and what test points I should check as I send midi to this circuit.
Thanks for any help anyone can give me on this project.
EDIT: The headers I have a the edge of the board are +5, GND, and pin RX from an Arduino.