[help] Twittering Plant Project using Wiznet

Hey guys,

I have been wanting to do a twittering plant for a while now. In the future I am going to integrate a self feeder, and have it twitter updates. For not though, I want to get started on the standard http://www.botanicalls.com/archived_kits/twitter/ style project, but it uses the Xport Ethernet shield. I currently own the Wiznet and ENC28J60 shields and would prefer to use either one of those to accomplish the project. I believe the Wiznet shield would be a better solution because it has a built in TCP/IP stack.

Have you seen this done, or can you offer assistance?


I think I may have found a solution. It appears that someone had written the code to do exactly what I want (http://botanicalls.googlecode.com/svn-history/r6/trunk/BotanicallsTwitter2.pde). However, there are come compile errors. Here are the errors that this program produces. It appears I have a new problem now. I might close this thread and make a new thread in "Programming Questions"

Botanicalls_custom:73: error: 'DhcpState' does not name a type
Botanicalls_custom.ino: In function 'void setup()':
Botanicalls_custom:77: error: 'getSerial' was not declared in this scope
Botanicalls_custom:78: error: 'getCounter' was not declared in this scope
Botanicalls_custom:114: error: 'EthernetDHCP' was not declared in this scope
Botanicalls_custom:117: error: 'blinkLED' was not declared in this scope
Botanicalls_custom.ino: In function 'void loop()':
Botanicalls_custom:128: error: 'moistureCheck' was not declared in this scope
Botanicalls_custom:129: error: 'wateringCheck' was not declared in this scope
Botanicalls_custom:130: error: 'buttonCheck' was not declared in this scope
Botanicalls_custom:132: error: 'dhcpCheck' was not declared in this scope
Botanicalls_custom:133: error: 'ipState' was not declared in this scope
Botanicalls_custom:133: error: 'DhcpStateLeased' was not declared in this scope
Botanicalls_custom:133: error: 'DhcpStateRenewing' was not declared in this scope
Botanicalls_custom:134: error: 'blinkLED' was not declared in this scope

If you can help, I would be greatly appreciative.