Help using a Pt100 sensor with Arduino

Hello everyone, I'm new to this forum. I'm not a native English speaker, so please excuse me if I say something that sounds rude or non-understandable.
I'm almost totally new to Arduino and Electronics in general, so I've been trying to search for tutorials on how to connect and program this sensor, but I just can't understand them.

I only need to measure temperature with the tp100 and show it in the serial monitor.
I've read something about using a resistor wheatstone bridge?
Please excuse me if I'm asking too much or if I look too inexperienced (I am :blush: ).

The sensor has a sticker that reads the following:


EBL 100mm
sab brockskes

it has 3 wires: green, white and brown

Thanks in advance! ;D

Try "PT100" in the search box on top of this page.