Help using LISY300AL Gyro with Arduino!!

I am very new to arduino and am trying to use the LISY300AL Gyro to read angular accelerations. I know it requires a 3.3v input so I am using the 3.3v from the arduino but am not sure how the rest of the circuit is supposed to be set up, right now I have the vcc connected to the 3.3v, the ground connected to the ground, and the DOUT connected to analog input 0. Am I am missing anything, currently I am just getting a reading of 684 using the analog read command and it does not change when the gyro is rotated. I am doing this for a project and school and really appreciate any help, feel free to e-mail me at

Please don't cross-post - could you please delete one of these identical posts?

Yes I'll delete the other one, sorry about that, I just saw that I put it in the wrong forum originally.

3.3/5 * 1024 = 674, so your 684 is about right for a stationary gyro, give-or-take a few millivolts.[edit]Oops, forget that, it should probably be half that. Have you checked the wiring?[/edit]

That's where i'm not sure if I have it setup correctly this is what I have right now...

-3.3v to 3.3v
-ground to ground
-DOUT to analog input 0

-3.3v to 3.3v

I'll assume that's a bullet-point, not a minus sign!

I was right second time - the null-point voltage should be about supply/2, so the one you're reading is way too high.
Have you tied PD and ST to 0V?

Yeah, that was a bullet point.

No I have not tied the PD and ST to 0V, how do I do that, connect them to the ground?...I'm teaching myself all this as I go along so I don't know completely what I'm doing.

I connected the PD and ST pins to the ground to get them to 0V and am now getting a stationary reading of 347. It varies between 0 and 684 when rotating it depending on which way it is rotated. So a reading of 0 corresponds to -300 deg/s and a reading of 684 corresponds to 300 deg/s correct and it is proportional in between? Thanks for the help I was stuck on this for a couple days.

So a reading of 0 corresponds to -300 deg/s and a reading of 684 corresponds to 300 deg/s correct and it is proportional in between?

Sounds about right - I've never used this device, only just read the datasheet.

Hello, do you have any schematics of connection between micro controller and lisy,and which micro controller?

and which micro controller

Well, looking at the name of the forum, which do you guess?

ok bad :slight_smile:

You can't measure degrees with a gyro, only degrees per second.

No, you can only measure the turn rate, not the absolute amount of 'turn'.

Shaft encoder?

I think that video says virtually nothing.
What did you hear it saying?