Help using maxRS485 with Aduino

I want to connect the an FPTC indicator ( connected to a torque sensor using the RS 485 port to save the data from them

I have this module RS-485 module for Arduino (MAX485 )
and don´t know how to connect.

Given you got the data from the FPTC indicator, what do you plan to do with it in the Arduino?

What type of Arduino do you plan to use?

The RS-485 module can be connected to the Arduino like this:

Arduino RS-485
D4 - DE & RE

RS-485 is just a physical interface standard. It does not include the protocol to be talked. Your devices seems to talk ModBus. There are several implementations of ModBus for the Arduino platform. I'm using If I interpret the documentaiton of your device correctly you might have to tweak the library a bit to support the high register numbers it uses but that should be quite easy. You may also try one of the other libraries out there. But be warned: I've found none that doesn't have errors in it.

I have an arduino mega 2560
Dont know how to connect the sensor

That product page has a link to information. See it HERE

MODBUS Arduino library HERE

Thank you all.
The solution was to configure the indicator so that it had continuous communication.
And using this simple code:

#define transmitir 2

void setup(){
Serial3.begin(9600,SERIAL_8O1); //Initialize serial communication

void loop(){
if(Serial3.available() > 0){
char recibido;
recibido =;

i'm receiving this:

011@H 496
011@H 698
011@H 698
011@H 800
011@H 800
011@H 1009
011@H 1009
011@H 1009
011@H 1211
011@H 1211
011@H 1211
011@H 1211
011@H 1211
011@H 1211
011@H 1413
011@H 1413
011@H 1413
011@H 1413
011@H 1211
011@H 1211
011@H 1211
011@H 1211
011@H 1211
011@H 1009
011@H 1009
011@H 1009
011@H 800
011@H 800
011@H 800
011@H 698
011@H 698
011@H 496
011@H 496
011@H 294
011@H 294
011@H 294
011@D 088

Strange characters and the real measurement.
i want to filtering that just to have the measurement, but cant find the way

0JavierContreras1, you don't seem to answer questions asked from you which are asked so that we can better understand to help you.

Pylon asked you:

Given you got the data from the FPTC indicator, what do you plan to do with it in the Arduino?

The question is important.

If you simply wish to display it on a LCD then the task is simple, but if you which to do some further numerical crunching then you need to convert the data you have which is as data type char to some numerical data type such as float or int.

You also need to confirm if the setup you are using on your arduino, as in serial parameters match the unit. From looking at you code your Arduino is set to for 9600 8 data bits odd parity and 1 stop bit.
Can you confirm that the load cell display has these same serial parameters ?

Basically, you need to be very clear and concise and much more detailed when you write on this forum and want some one to really help you.

Essentially most of us totally dislike making assumptions and guessing, so, be good and spend time detailing your situation. Also, use code tags to display your code and a separate section say using quote tags for any serial output you get, rather than how you do above.

To offer you some help, setup a char buffer of 16 chars and construct your code to fill this buffer up for each reception of one reading. Then you simply point to the location in that buffer where the actual reading starts and then develop code to deal with the data in the way you want or need.

Look at examples and also in the playground on this site for all sorts of guides which will help you learn and get what you want. We prefer to see you learn and show some effort in trying things out for yourself.

Paul - VK7KPA