Help Wanted to complete Webserver Project


I'm looking to hire someone to help finish of integrating my project.

I'm doing an Arduino webserver project for watering my allotment. Controls 2 digial outputs and montiors 2 digital inputs via Ethernet. I'm looking for someone who wants to earn a little extra by helping me finish my code. I have a working and tested Arduino code and a working html code but I need someone who has the skills to integrate a .css and .jpg file onto the micro SD card so that they are picked up by the website. This should be pretty easy for someone with the right skill set.

The .css works fine when I run the html from my laptop but I'm finding it impossible to run it from the SD card on the arduino, and the same goes when integrating the jpeg.

I'm using an Arduino UNO with Ethernet Shield.

Please get in touch if you are interested.


see the PM

Hi Gippopotam,

I've set you a PM