Help with 10 dof IMU

I decided to tackle a project a few weeks ago to track the motion of a model rocket and perhaps control/correct it's flight with a few servos. I bought a 10 dof IMU from, the IMU contains the sensors ITG3205+ADXL345+HMC5883L+BMP085. A link to the stick is here:

Anyways, I chose this one over products offered by Sparkfun or similar retailers because it seemed like the same hardware at a much lower price with just a lack of documentation. Now that I've sat down with it I've realized I'm thoroughly lost. I'm new to using I2c devices and could really use some help with requesting and formatting the data. I have been able to get the addressees for the sensors but I have no clue what to do with them. I realize how vague I'm being and I apologize, any help/guidance is appreciated!


Lots of forum, YouTube, and Internet material too.
