Help with 2 motors L298N

Hi people

I've recently started working with arduino. I think I got the hang of it but I ran into an issue I cannot get my head around.

I'm trying to do a line following car. I'm pretty sure the code is correct. However, I ran into a problem:

I've connected two motors to the L298N Controller, and coded each.But when I ask to run both, they don't. Only one runs at the time. In other words, only Motor 1 runs, but if I disable it, Motor 2 runs. They cannot run simultaneously. Am I doing something wrong? I'm using this code modified:

/------ Arduino Line Follower Code----- /
-------definning Inputs------
#define LS 2 // left sensor
#define RS 3 // right sensor

/-------definning Outputs------/
#define LM1 4 // left motor
#define LM2 5 // left motor
#define RM1 6 // right motor
#define RM2 7 // right motor

int enA = A0;
int enB = A1;

void setup()
pinMode(LS, INPUT);
pinMode(RS, INPUT);
pinMode(LM1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(LM2, OUTPUT);
pinMode(RM1, OUTPUT);
pinMode(RM2, OUTPUT);

pinMode(enA, OUTPUT);
pinMode(enB, OUTPUT);

void loop()

if(digitalRead(LS) && digitalRead(RS)) // Move Forward
digitalWrite(LM1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LM2, LOW);
digitalWrite(RM1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RM2, LOW);

if(!(digitalRead(LS)) && digitalRead(RS)) // Turn right
digitalWrite(LM1, LOW);
digitalWrite(LM2, LOW);
digitalWrite(RM1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(RM2, LOW);

if(digitalRead(LS) && !(digitalRead(RS))) // turn left
digitalWrite(LM1, HIGH);
digitalWrite(LM2, LOW);
digitalWrite(RM1, LOW);
digitalWrite(RM2, LOW);

if(!(digitalRead(LS)) && !(digitalRead(RS))) // stop
digitalWrite(LM1, LOW);
digitalWrite(LM2, LOW);
digitalWrite(RM1, LOW);
digitalWrite(RM2, LOW);
delay (3000);

What motors? How are the motors powered? What does "disable it" mean? By physically disconnecting a motor or by changing the software?

If it's software changes then that sort of thing is most often a problem with power, batteries too weak, trying to connect motors through a breadboard or similar. Or the motors are simply asking more current than the driver can provide.
