Help with 4 channel relay modulo

I have this relay module connected to arduino uno and conecting VCC, GND and the 4 IN it works finne but when i connect a led strip and a desktop lamp to active them with IN 1 and 2 if the led strip is switched on the lamp dosn't work until the led strip is switch off. I think it's lack of pawer and I found this image online:

But my relay module dosn't have JD-VCC and the jumper is placed between GND2 and COM.

I'm starting in electronic and i can't figure it out.

the relay is nothing more than a switch you can control with the arduino..
Ive used these relays and can control everything i connect to it with the arduino

As long as the 2 items you have connected are supplied the correct power, the arduino is merely switching the power on and off to the devices..

When I switch one on the led turns on but sometimes no power pass through and the lamp dosn't switch on

Rewire everything and now works...