Hello ! I got a i2c display(with the converter soldered the display) and a converter. I tried both with this library https://www.optimusdigital.ro/ro/index.php?controller=attachment&id_attachment=1115 and they didnt work.
The i2c display had all of the top pixels on and the converter attached to a normal display showed nothing.
On the back of the i2c display is: LCM1602 IIC V1
On the back of the converter is: MHKK
Wiring: sda -> a4
scl -> a5
I checked the contrast and it only made the pixels dimmer
Look for bperrybap's "HD44780" in the Library Manager. It also contains the instructions.
Still doesn't work
Still doesn't work
What did the diagnostic sketch report?
I can not find the diagnostic sketch. Can you tell me the path ?
I can not find the diagnostic sketch. Can you tell me the path ?
In the IDE, File, Examples, hd44780, ioClass, hd44780_I2Cexp, I2CexpDiag.
I can not find the diagnostic sketch. Can you tell me the path ?
It is in the hd44780 library documentation.
Did you read the included documentation? (It is in a sketch called "Documentation")
It also has links to other information including the hd44780 wiki.
--- bill