help with beagle board

hi to evry one :wink:
I need to know the way about how to connect the arduino with beagleboard because it looks like a real

thanx :sunglasses:

Depends what you want to do with this and an arduino. I can't see the point of an arduino if you have this.
Anyway that being said you could connect through serial RS232 (you will need a voltage translator) or make the arduino an I2C slave and talk to it that way.

thank you
I'm working in robot project and I want to use a motion detection and infraRed tracing and also I need work with servos which beagle board can't do :slight_smile:

BeagleBoard runs linux and has a USB host port. It can probably talk to an Arduino in ways a lot like your desktop linux PC could (for instance, using firmata...)

I need work with servos which beagle board can't do

I think it can you know. There might not be the overt support found in the arduino but the hardware timers are in place in the chip to allow you to do this.

I need work with servos which beagle board can't do

I think it can you know.

By the time you deal with the BB's 1.8V IO and getting around the operating system and related timing issues, it may be easier to use an Arduino to interface to the servos. (well, you could use one of those serial-based servo controllers, I suppose.)

I'm thinking of looking into this.

I was thinking I'd rather reduce time & complexity by doing things that the arduino can do fairly easily, and just have the beagleboard do things that only its horsepower can provide.

I wonder how well java runs on the beagleboard.