I'm creating an Eye-Mech, controlled by these components:
2x DS-M005 2g Mini Servo Micro Servo (4.2V)
1x KY-023 PS2 Dual axis Joystick (5V)
What Arduino Board should I use? I have a UNO to test, but the size should be as small as possible. It needs to fit inside a puppet head. Is the Arduino Beetle an option? Or maybe the Nano?
Also, the setup is hand-held, so the battery should be small, what voltage can/should it be?
*The only thing required is the movement of the eyes, with both servo's on X and Y (little or no friction). That's it.
The Nano should fit, don't know what size battery will be needed. Space is limited. The picture is the rough prototype, 3D-printed version will be cleaner (not bigger).
Don't know what pinouts just yet, I still have to start on the Arduino. Designing the Eye-Mech first...
The main problem with using a very small microcontroller would be the pinouts. If I were you, Iād maybe try start writing the code to give yourself an idea of how many pins you would need to use, then you will be able to find a controller with the right amount of pins. The nano would be good for this, as you would have more than enough pins, and any libraries you would need should be compatible with an AVR controller.