help with chosing Arduino and ..?


i'm new here and this first project i do, i want help with chosing the right Arduino for my project, i want create Wearable device in hand for project the device will Prediction Heart Disease (Attack) using Machine Learning and 4 sensor:

• Heart beat rate.
• Blood oxygen level.
• Human pressure.
• Human temperature.

i want know which one of the Arduino is best for this ? and the sensor work with it ? and is there software for Machine Learning work with it ?

That's a remarkably ambitious project even for experienced Arduino users. What is your programming experience? What research have you done?

i'm computer enginner student, i know C++ programming, but i never use Arduino before and i done some research i read many publish paper about Prediction Heart Disease and IoT device, but i can't figure it out what the best hardware for this project ? there many option

It's very simple if you separate the training phase of the KI AI (on a PC) from the production phase (on a small wearable Arduino).

The Arduino has to do not much more than collecting the sensor data. In the training phase the data is transmitted to the KI program on the PC. When the training is finished the resulting KI AI code and database is transferred to the Arduino.

The required Arduino size depends on your KI AI model. You have to select and adopt a specific KI AI model or neuronal network to your needs. Google reveals many hits for Neuronal Network Arduino.

KI program ? are you talk about my question or post here by mistake ?

before selecting a microcontroller draw up a specification of the system requirements
you can then identify the sensors in terms of interface (I2C, SPI, Rs485, ADC, etc and signal levels) and communication facilities required
you can then select a microcontroller to support the requirements

KI program ? are you talk about my question or post here by mistake ?

Sorry for the wrong language, in English I mean AI.
What else means "machine learning" to you?

As a first project this looks a bit ambitious and getting sensors together in a workable fashion will be difficult . You also need to have an algorithm for what is a heart attack from the various readings - it can’t machine learn if no heart attacks take place .

@horace so i need select sensor first after that i select the Arduino ? do you lnow good sensor i lookup the internt but there manay chose i want small sensor is better for Wearable device.

@DrDiettrich OK i understand now but you say Kl not Al :).

@hammy yes i agree with you but i need select the hardware first becouse most the the hardware not available in my country