Hello and thank you for reading., I would appreciate any help. I am new to programing and know almost nothing,.
I built the 4x4x4 RGB LED cube using an atmega328, 3 TLC5940's. From This Instrucable http://bit.ly/Vnc8wi It is wonderful.
However i would like to add a MSGEQ7 to manipulate the HUE gradients and cycle times of this cube. Basicly so that the Q7 manipulated the colors of the cube, and if it hears nothing it keeps going with it's basic program,.
I will have a Mono audio input and a Microphone with a onboard dip switch to chose which one provides the audio.
I have attached the Code I used which i had to modify to work with my cube. I also attached a basic code for a MSGEQ7 "RGB Light organ " from this instructable http://bit.ly/VncKCi
I have attached MSGEQ7 pins attached to
pin 3 to Atmega pin 23/A0
Pin 4 to Atmega pin 14/d8
Pin 7 to Atmega Pin 12/d6
Here is a video of what the code does now on my cube 4x4x4 RGB LED Cube with Atmega328 and 3x TLC5940 - YouTube
Any thoughts and help would be great. Thank you much.
RGB_4x4x4_LED_Cube_main_1.zip (71.8 KB)