April 14, 2015, 2:06am
Attached is the code I am trying to upliad. I got it from an instructable but cannot get it to work on my arduino!! Please help!!!
When I upload it, there is no blinking or anything. I uploaded a blink D13 led code and it works. I do not understand!!
Infinity_Mirror_Clock.ino (136 Bytes)
Put it in a code box so everyone can read it without having to run the IDE.
Make the delays longer: maybe it's too fast for the eye?
The attached code:
void setup(){
pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
void loop(){
digitalWrite(13, LOW);
digitalWrite(13, HIGH);
That doesn't flash the LED on and off about 5 times a second? How have you got the LED wired?
What about the onboard LED? Does it flash?
Using digital pin 13, not A13?
Diode is installed with cathode to ground?
~220 ohm Resistor used in series with diode? (did you burn the LED, or Arduino board perhaps?)
Test the LED on a 5 volt source with a resistor in series to ensure you have the polarity correct, and
everything is working.
Test the LED circuit on another digital pin to rule out damage to the pin/board.
Are you sure the code you attached is the code with the problem?- looks like Blink to me, nothing to do with clocks, and not the kind of code one normally sees on Instructables....