Im pretty much new to all this stuff with arduinos and i wondered if i could get some help with a few questions?
Im gonna make a small project which requires two Servo's and I need some help with how to use them.
I want to control the rotation Up/Down/Left/Right, but i want to limit the degree of the rotation as well as limit the rotation speed. Is there any good toturials which shows me how to do this and how it works?
Also if i can add some more features to it if its not too much work, i wanna make the servo stay where its being moved to and not send back to the center.
If someone can help me with this you guys a greatly amazing, thanks!
Also if i can add some more features to it if its not too much work, i wanna make the servo stay where its being moved to and not send back to the center.
The "stay put" issue is fairly frequent for joystick/cam pan/tilt servo setups. Use the forum search box in the upper right of this page and search for terms like "joystick servo" for previous discussions. I think there was a fairly long discussion n the last year or so.
To make the servo move but not return when the joystick centres you need to detect whether the joystick is Ahead or Behind centre.
You need to move the servo of a postion that is stored in a variable - as in the servo sweep example that comes with the Arduino IDE - for example myServo.write(pos)
When the joystick is ahead of centre you can gradually increase pos up to whatever limit you choose. When the servo is behind centre you can gradually reduce pos.